Wills, Probate and Trusts

At Liverpool Legal, we can help you to protect your assets. We can advise on proper and legally enforceable arrangements which ensure they are dealt with in accordance with your wishes and in a tax efficient way. We can prepare Lasting Powers of Attorney and Arusts to deal with assets whilst you are alive and wills to deal with your property on death.

Our Wills, Probate and Trust services can be found in more detail by clicking on the links below.

To discuss your matter in more detail, click here to email us or call one of our friendly, probate and trust solicitors on 0151 702 5400.

Top Tips for Making Your Will.

  • Do you have trusted family members or friends that you would like to take the lead in dealing with your affairs upon your death to be appointed as the Executor (or Executors) of your will? Please do not worry if not as Liverpool Legal can appoint an Executor [a Solicitor] from the practice to undertake this duty for you.
  • Make a list of what you would like to happen when you die, think about what you own and who you want to benefit upon your death. Your spouse, civil partner, children, grandchildren, friend, neighbour or even a charity. Do you have children that depend on you or a vulnerable adult in your family that would require ongoing care or a pet that would need to be rehomed upon your death?   Add this information to your list, along with their addresses and telephone number or email address if you know them and bring these details along to your will appointment.
  • Consider what assets, you have, do you have any property or savings or investments, an ongoing private pension, a current life insurance policy or any sentimental objects such as jewellery or art that you would like to bequeath to a particular person or charity. Do you own any property or assets jointly or do you have any business assets? Add this information to your list and bring it to your appointment.
  • If you have savings, investments, a private pension, or lifetime insurance policy, try to find any paperwork from the provider that you may have that shows the policy details and value. This will help your solicitor to work out the position with regards to the value of your estate and whether it would be subject to Inheritance Tax or not and advise you accordingly. Bring the documents to your appointment if you can find them.
  • Consider if you would like to add a letter of wishes to your will, this can specify how you would envisage that your Executor will plan your funeral and any preferences with regards to hymns, prayers, flowers. You may also wish to leave a note for a loved one to be opened upon your death.
  • Above all, we do not want you to worry and stress out over making your Will. Liverpool Legal are ready and willing to help you figure out the best way to write your Will so that everybody that you want to benefit does. We will only have your best interests at heart and will advise you accordingly.


Our Fees

Simple Will for one person  £200.00 & vat
Mirror Wills for two people  £350.00 & vat
Life Interest Will of family home including costs of severance£400.00 & vat and disbursements
Mirror Life Interest Will of family home including costs of severance£600.00 & vat and disbursements
Life Interest Will of whole estate including costs of severance£500.00 & vat and disbursements
Mirror Life Interest Will of whole estate including costs of severance£650.00 & vat and disbursements
Discretionary Trust for Vulnerable Dependents  Price on application.  
Other Trusts  Price on application.
  • Prices are correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change.

Whilst we provide general tax advice based on information you provide to us in respect of your estate, we advise that you obtain specific tax advice from your Independent Financial Adviser or Accountant as to the most tax efficient structure for your estate before instructing on any specialist Will including trust provisions.  

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