Terms of Use

By using this website you agree to our terms of use set out on this page.

1. We have taken care to ensure our website and the information on it is accurate. However we can not accept responsibility for any omissions or errors.

2. The content of this website and the pages of it do not constitute legal advice and no liability will be accepted for any reliance placed upon it. Any reliance placed on material on this website is at your own risk. We recommend you obtain specialist legal advice before taking any action or otherwise regarding your legal rights.

3. The purpose of this website is to provide general information about our legal services. It is not intended to and does not take account of any specific individual circumstances.

4. As far as we are aware, our website and its contents are free from viruses. However we do not accept responsibility for any viruses should they arise from the use of this website.

5. You do not have permission to access parts of this website. This means you may not:

· Hack, or attempt to hack or gain unlawful access to this website or any of its pages or servers upon which it is stored

· Deliberately introduce any viruses or other malicious or harmful material

· Attack the website by using a denial or service or distributed denial of service attack