Medical Negligence

Medical Negligence

As a society we depend upon and trust our doctors and surgeons to treat us when we are ill or injured. Fortunately, the vast majority of occasions of diagnosis and treatment pass without incident and we get the help we need from experienced health practitioners. However sometimes things can go wrong and the consequences can be severe. When that happens, you may have a medical negligence claim, which is sometimes called a medical negligence claim.

Our medical negligence solicitors have experience in dealing with many different types of medical negligence claim. They will take the time to understand your case and any rehabilitation you might need and will consider the best way forward with you. Examples of some types of medical negligence claims include:

  • Birth injury claims including for cerebral palsy
  • Amputation claims
  • Delay in diagnosis claims
  • Nerve injury claims
  • Brain injury claims
  • Spinal injury claims
  • Anaesthesia claims
  • Care home claims
  • Wrong diagnosis claims
  • Wrong treatment and medication claims
  • Incorrect or unnecessary surgery claims

It is often best to write a letter of complaint to the NHS Trust responsible for the treatment which has gone wrong as that may help provide a better understanding of the circumstances of your case. We can help you do that and guide you through the complaints process.

To bring a medical negligence case you will need to show that the treatment you received fell below the standard expected of your medical professional. To do this you have to show that the treatment would not be regarded as reasonable or acceptable by a responsible body of medical professionals practicing in the same field of medicine. This is sometimes called showing a breach of duty. We can help you do this by instructing experienced, independent experts.

Once you have established breach of duty you then must prove to the Court that your injuries suffered have been caused by the breach of duty. The other side may argue that even if there has been poor treatment, the outcome would have been the same any way. Proving that the poor treatment has caused you some additional injury is sometimes difficult and we can help you do this by instructing experienced, independent experts.

As medical negligence claims are complicated, it is important a specialist solicitor is instructed to assist you. At Liverpool Legal, our friendly, expert medical negligence solicitors would be happy to discuss your claim on a No Win No Fee basis. Click here to email us or call us on 0151 702 5400.